The day I created my blog, even I was not sure why did I choose this name, but the reason I created a blog was to keep a record of all the good thoughts / sayings that I came across. Till now all the posts on the blog are either copied from the emails received or, from other websites. I never posted anything written by me. But from today, I will start posting the writings of my own. Also, I have got a good reason behind choosing the name for my blog.
As you have already read the story of "Phoenix", in the blog's title that it is a Mythical Sacred Firebird who at the end of its lifecycle builds a nest with cinnamom twigs and burns both the nest as well as itself. From the ashes a new phoenix arises, and the bird is said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, and thus being almost immortal and invincible - a symbol of fire and divinity.
On this beautiful planet earth, we "Human Beings" tend to do everything instead of "Being Human". Each of us is running behind earning the worldy pleasures which we think are the MOST important in our lives. We have been putting so much effort to earn money, buy comforts like big house, car etc. for ourselves but have we been ever satisfied with what we have? Answer would always be "NO", instead have been putting even more efforts than before. In this whole process we have developed so much hatred in our hearts and even have hurted so many people around us. So, my reason behind naming the blog as mentioned was to keep a record of good thoughts which myself or anyone can go through anytime and as it is mentioned in the story of the phoenix, the bird burns itself and is regenerated being immortal. Similarly, not simply by reading such good thoughts but also by putting it in action into our lives we can burn the desires, the hatred in our hearts and improve ourselves to live much better life. Once we achieve doing this, we will be re-born like the "Phoenix" bird and after our death we will be immortal in the hearts of the people whose lives we have touched.
Since, good thoughts / sayings are not just restricted to emails/websites, it may be heard or said while interacting with people, may be friends, family, colleagues etc., around you, or, even from your own life experiences. As my mother tells me "You may tend to forget what you hear, but once you write it down, you would never forget and remember it by heart throughout your life". By posting such writings is small step that I have taken towards improving myself and hope to put all these good thoughts in action in my life.