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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I want to Quit...

I want to quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality and my life ...

I went to the woods to have one last talk with God. "God", I said... "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"
His answer surprised me... "Look around", He said. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?"
"Yes", I replied.
"When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.In year Three and then year Four there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant...But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots" "I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you." "Don't compare yourself to others." He said. "The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful." "Your time will come", God said to me. "You will rise high"
"How high should I rise" I asked.
"How high will the bamboo rise" He asked in return.
"As high as it can" I questioned.
"Yes." He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can." I left the forest and bring back this story.
If you are a fern then you already had made the environment clean & green... continue doing that as I need little more time to grow my roots to stand high

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Woman In Your Life

Here is a girl, who is as much educated as you are; who is earning almost as much as you do...
One, who has dreams and aspirations just as you have because she is as human as you are...
One, who has never entered the kitchen in her life just like you or your sister haven't, as she was busy in studies and competing in a system that gives no special concession to girls for their culinary achievements...
One, who has lived and loved her parents & brothers & sisters, almost as much as you do for 20-25 years of her life...
One, who has bravely agreed to leave behind all that, her home, people who Love her, to adopt your home, your family, your ways and even your family Name...
One, who is somehow expected to be a master-chef from day #1, while you sleep oblivious to her predicament in her new circumstances, environment and that kitchen...
One, who is expected to make the tea, first thing in the morning and cook food at the end of the day, even if she is as tired as you are, maybe more, and yet never ever expected to complain; to be a cook, a mother, a wife, even if she doesn't want to; and is learning just like you are as to what you want from her; and is clumsy and sloppy at times and knows that you won't like it if she is too demanding, or if she learns faster than you...
One, who has her own set of friends, and that includes boys and even men ather workplace too, those, who she knows from school days and yet is willing to put all that on the back-burners to avoid your irrational jealousy, unnecessary competition and your inherent insecurities; Yes, she can drink and dance just as well as you can, but won't, simply because you won't like it, even though you say otherwise...
One, who can be late from work once in a while when deadlines, just like your's are to be met...
One, who is doing her level best and wants to make this most important Relationship in her entire life a grand success, if you just help her some and trust her...
One, who just wants one thing from you, as you are the only one she knows in your entire house - your unstinted support, your sensitivities and mostimportantly - your understanding, or love, if you may call it...
But not many people understand this...
Well... Give it a thought now!!

Thoughts For The Day

One spark is sufficient to burn the whole heap of dry grass, likewise a single drop of divine grace is enough to wipe all sins.
~ AvtarBani

Luck is not in your hands, But work is in your hands.."Your work can make luck" but "Luck can't make your work" so always trust yourself than your luck.
~ Unknown

Happiness resides not in posessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.
~ Unknown

Treat everyone with Love, even those who are rude to you; not because they are not nice, but because you are nice.
~ Unknown

God always gives his best to those who leave the choices with him.
~ Unknown

"Fear less, hope more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Hate less, love more; And all good things are yours."
~ Swedish Proverb

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

One Paragraph That Explains LIFE!

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS which he gotdue to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983. Fromworld over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?To this Arthur Ashe replied: The world over -- 5 crore children startplaying tennis, 50 lakh learn to play tennis, 5 lakh learn professionaltennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, When I was holding a cup Inever asked GOD "Why me?". And today in pain I should not be asking GOD"Why me?"Happiness keeps u Sweet, Trials keep u Strong, Sorrow keeps u Human, Failure Keeps u Humble, Success keeps u Glowing, But only God Keeps uGoing.....Keep Going.....

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Voice Of GOD

The Voice of God I ran across a bumper sticker the other day that actually stopped me in my tracks. It went like this: "Why is it when we talk to God we're praying but when God talks to us we're neurotic?" Now personally I've never considered myself neurotic although I'm sure I have many family members and friends that would rise to argue the contrary, And yet I hear the voice of God everyday.
When I wake each morning and start to prepare for the day I hear God whispering, "I've given you another day my child." And as I head out the door to go to work again God says, "I've provided for you a good job and good people to work with." When I sit to eat the voice of God reminds me, "I shall not let you hunger this day." Ok, I think you get my point here. God speaks to each and every one of us throughout the day and for all our lives.
Gods voice is always present in the laughter of children, the beauty of a sunrise, the smile of a friend and in the gentle breathing of that someone you love as they sleep beside you. It can be heard in every flower and in every song.
It can even be heard in the problems and disasters that come our way, Saying, "I love you enough to make you grow, Even in ways you may not want to."
If you can't hear the voice of God, its not that the voice isn't there...its because you, my friend, are not listening.

Friday, July 6, 2007

A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day & said 'Lord, I would like to know what Heaven & Hell are like.' The Lord led the holy man to two doors.He opened one of the doors & the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious & made the holy man's mouthwater. The people sitting around the table were thin & sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms & each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew & take a spoonful. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery & suffering. The Lord said, 'You have seen Hell.' They went to the next room & opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished & plump, laughing & talking. The holy man said, 'I don't understand.' 'It is simple,' said the Lord. 'It requires but one skill. You see,they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves.'

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Beautiful Prayer

I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, No. It is not for me to take away,
But for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No. His spirit is whole
His body is temporary.
I asked God to grant me Patience.
God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations,
It isn't granted it is learned.
I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No. I give you blessings,
Happiness is upto you.
I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No. sufferings draw you apart from
Worldly care and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No. you must grow on your own,
But I will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life.
God said, No. I will give you life
So that you may enjoy all things.
I ask God to help me love others,
As much as he loves me.
God said… ahhhh, finally you have the idea.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

|| Knowledge and Wisdom ||

The Supreme Lord Said:

"Among thousands of men few strive to achieve perfection (in yoga) and of such successful men very few indeed actually know Me" [Chapter 7 Verse 3]

"O Partha, know that I am the eternal seed of all beings. I am the intelligence of the intelligent and the brilliance of the brilliant." [Chapter 7 Verse 10]

"Four kinds of pious people worship Me O Arjuna. The person in great distress, the person in search of knowledge, the seeker of wealth and the man of wisdom." [Chapter 7 Verse 16]

"Out of them the man of wisdom who is constantly engaged in devotion to Me, is very special and dear to Me. Certainly to the man of wisdom I am very dear and he to Me."
[Chapter 7 Verse 17]

"All these men are definitely magnanimous souls. But the man of wisdom in my opinion is verily like Myself. He is certainly situated in Me and attains the highest end."[Chapter 7 Verse 18]

"It is only at the end of many births, the man of wisdom surrenders to Me, realizing that Vasudeva is all. But it is very rare to come across such great souls."[Chapter 7 Verse 19]

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Our Lives Are Woven Togethere For A Reason.

Small Story
A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.
What food might this contain?" The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning : There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it." The mouse turned to the pig and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The pig sympathized, but said, I am so very sorry, Mr.Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray.
Be assured you are in my prayers." The mouse turned to the cow and said "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose." So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house -- like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.
The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.
The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital , and she returned home with a fever.
Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main
But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbours came to sit with her around the clock.
To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig.
The farmer's wife did not get well; she died.
So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.
So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember -- when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk.
We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.
"Vision without Action is a Dream, Action without Vision is a Nightmare!"
Just came across a touching it goes...

My wife called, 'How long will you be with that newspaper? Will you come here and make your darling daughter eat her food?' I tossed the paper away and rushed to the scene. My only daughter Sindu looked frightened.
Tears were welling up in her eyes. In front of her was a bowl filled to its brim with Curd Rice. Sindu is a nice child, quite intelligent for her age.She has just turned eight. She particularly detested Curd Rice. My mother and my wife are orthodox, and believe firmly in the 'cooling effects' of Curd Rice! I cleared my throat, and picked up the bowl. 'Sindu, darling,why don't you take a few mouthful of this Curd Rice?Just for Dad's sake, dear.
Sindu softened a bit, and wiped her tears with the back of her hands. 'OK, Dad. I will eat - not just a few mouthfuls, but the whole lot of this. But, you should...' Sindu hesitated. 'Dad, if I eat this entire curd Rice, will you give me whatever I ask for?'...........Oh sure, darling'....'Promise?'.................
'Promise'. I covered the pink soft hand extended by my daughter with mine, and clinched the deal.
'Ask Mom also to give a similar promise', my daughter insisted. My wife put her hand on Sindu's, muttering 'Promise'.
Now I became a bit anxious. 'Sindu dear, you shouldn't insist on getting a computer or any such expensive items.Dad does not have that kind of money right now. OK?'
'No, Dad. I do not want anything expensive'.Slowly and painfully, she finished eating the whole quantity.
I was silently angry with my wife and my mother for forcing my child eat something that she detested. After the ordeal was through, Sindu came to me with her eyes wide with expectation.All our attention was on her.............'Dad, I want to have my head shaved off, this Sunday!' was her demand.
'Atrocious!' shouted my wife, 'A girl child having her head shaved off? Impossible!' 'Never in our family!' my mother rasped.'She has been watching too much of television. Our culture is getting totally spoiled with these TV programs!'
Sindu darling, why don't you ask for something else? We will be sad seeing you with a clean-shaven head.'
'No, Dad. I do not want anything else', Sindu said with finality.
'Please, Sindu, why don't you try to understand our feelings?' I tried to plead with her.
'Dad, you saw how difficult it was for me to eat that Curd Rice'. Sindu was in tears. 'And you promised to grant me whatever I ask for.Now, you are going back on your words. Was it not you who told me the story of King Harishchandra,and its moral that we should honor our promises no matter what?'
It was time for me to call the shots. 'Our promise must be kept.'
'Are you out your mind?' chorused my mother and wife.
'No. If we go back on our promises, she will never learn to honor her own. Sindu, your wish will be fulfilled.'
With her head clean-shaven, Sindu had a round-face, and her eyes looked big and beautiful. On Monday morning, I dropped her at her school. It was a sight to watch my hairless Sindu walking towards her classroom.She turned around and waved. I waved back with a smile. Just then, a boy alighted from a car, and shouted, 'Sinduja, please wait for me!'
What struck me was the hairless head of that boy. 'May be, that is the in-stuff', I thought.
'Sir, your daughter Sinduja is great indeed!' Without introducing herself, a lady got out of the car, and continued,' That boy who is walking along with your daughter is my son Harish.He is suffering from... ... leukemia.' She paused to muffle her sobs. Harish could not attend the school for the whole of the last month.He lost all his hair due to the side effects of the chemotherapy. He refused to come back to school fearing the unintentional but cruel teasing of the schoolmates.'Sinduja visited him last week, and promised him that she will take care of the teasing issue. But, I never imagined she would sacrifice her lovely hair for the sake of my son! Sir, you and your wife are blessed to have such a noble soul as your daughter.'
I stood transfixed. And then, I wept. 'My little Angel, you are teaching me how self-less real love is!'
*The happiest people on this planet are not those who live on their own terms but are those who change their terms for the ones whom they love..*
Love Touch And Inspire others
"The life is short, the vanities of world are transient but they alone live who live for others; the rest are more dead than alive."
--Swami Vivekanand Ji

Thursday, April 5, 2007


The 5 important lessons to be learnt from a PENCIL

1. It tells u that everything you do will leave a mark.

2. You can always correct the mistakes u make.

3. What is important is not inside you & not outside you.

4. In life you will undergo painful sharpenings which will make you better in whatever you do.

5. To be the best you can be, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the hand that holds you from above.

The Master Speaks-Discourses & Guidelines

Never a Prophet, or Guru has taken up arms to destroy the world. Only savages of that, due to their ignorance and arrogance. When saints oppose anybody, they don’t do it through malice. When stuck in the marsh, the ,ore we try to get out the more we are submerged into it, but if somebody from outside gives us a little support, we are able to get out. This world is like a marsh. At every step there are worldly temptations to lure us in. By ourselves if we try to steer through, it becomes next to impossible, but by taking the Divine Hand one can easily sail through.
May God bless you to sustain your enthusiasm. acting on the principles of your faith, you have achieved miracles. Take the torch of divine Truth to every corner of the world, so that everybody unites with the Supreme and is blessed. that is my wish. In the past you have shown rare courage and unflinching determination. I, very humbly pray to God to keep the flame of your determination burning to spread the message of Truth.
Saints always praise the Lord. What we consider suffering and sorrow, they had experienced them too. they accepted them as blessing from Nirankar. They always said, “If I am praised, glory is Yours, if condemned, forgive me.”

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Change Yourself First

There was a millionaire who was bothered by severe eye pain. He consulted so many physicians and was getting his treatment done. He did not stop consulting galaxy of medical experts; he consumed heavy loads of drugs and underwent hundreds of injections.But the ache persisted with great vigour than before.
At last a monk who has supposed to be an expert in treating such patients was called for by the millionaire. The monk understood his problem and said that for sometime he should concentrate only on greencolours and not to fall his eyes on any other colours. The millionaire got together a group of painters and purchased barrels of green color and directed that every object his eye was likely to fall to be painted in green colour just as the monk haddirected.When the monk came to visit him after few days, the millionaire' s servants ran with buckets of green paints and poured on him since he was in red dress, lest their master not see any other colour and his eye ache would come back.Hearing this monk laughed said "If only you had purchased a pair of green spectacles, worth just a few rupees, you could have saved these walls and trees and pots and all other articles and also could have saved a large share of his fortune. You cannot paint the world green." Let us change our vision and the world will appear accordingly. It is foolish to shape the world, let us shape ourselves first.
Lets change our vision..!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Positive Attitude

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him. Every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming.Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself from the elements, and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky.The worst had happened ~ everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me?" he cried. Early the next day, however, he was wakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smokesignal," they replied.It's easy to get discouraged sometimes when things appear to be going badly. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground, it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.

Moral: Whatever happens in Life, always happens for good.
For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it. So always maintain a positive approach and attitude in Life.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

God's Gift

A saint lives under the will of God. He is always grateful for the bounties bestowed upon him, does not complain. He loves God. Bounties he accepts only as a gift from Him (God). If ever he has to chose between the bounties and Bountiful, he will without hesitation choose the Bountiful. As a wife looks to her husband for her needs, but when her husband cannot provide her with a new saree, she doesn’t say, “You will be my husband only if you get me a new saree, otherwise not.Saints love God for loving sake, Devotee never complains. Whatever you have got, is a gift from God.You don’t become arrogant and selfish for the wealth you have got, and use it to harm other. While enjoying the material comforts, we should appreciate the provider. Saints know it, so they don't get upset if they don’t have it. The saints know that wealth, body and soul are the gift from god, it belongs to Him. He can take it back if and when He likes. God is the sole Creator. All belong to Him. That is why saints always live in His bliss, always praise Him.

Even in adversity, they don’t complain to Him. Always Thank God.

Monday, March 26, 2007


(Perception, Truth, Perspective, Empathy, Communications and Understanding)
There are various versions of the story of the blind men and the elephant. The blind men and the elephant is a legend that appears in different cultures - notably China, Africa and India - and the tale dates back thousands of years. Some versions of the story feature three blind men, others five or six, but the message is always the same. Here's a story of the six blind men and the elephant:
Six blind men were discussing exactly what they believed an elephant to be, since each had heard how strange the creature was, yet none had ever seen one before. So the blind men agreed to find an elephant and discover what the animal was really like.
It didn't take the blind men long to find an elephant at a nearby market. The first blind man approached the beast and felt the animal's firm flat side. "It seems to me that the elephant is just like a wall," he said to his friends.
The second blind man reached out and touched one of the elephant's tusks. "No, this is round and smooth and sharp - the elephant is like a spear."
Intrigued, the third blind man stepped up to the elephant and touched its trunk. "Well, I can't agree with either of you; I feel a squirming writhing thing - surely the elephant is just like a snake."
The fourth blind man was of course by now quite puzzled. So he reached out, and felt the elephant's leg. "You are all talking complete nonsense," he said, "because clearly the elephant is just like a tree."
Utterly confused, the fifth blind man stepped forward and grabbed one of the elephant's ears. "You must all be mad - an elephant is exactly like a fan."
Duly, the sixth man approached, and, holding the beast's tail, disagreed again. "It's nothing like any of your descriptions - the elephant is just like a rope."
And all six blind men continued to argue, based on their own particular experiences, as to what they thought an elephant was like. It was an argument that they were never able to resolve. Each of them was concerned only with their own idea. None of them had the full picture, and none could see any of the other's point of view. Each man saw the elephant as something quite different, and while in part each blind man was right, none was wholly correct.There is never just one way to look at something - there are always different perspectives, meanings, and perceptions, depending on who is looking.
And all six blind men continued to argue, based on their own particular experiences, as to what they thought an elephant was like. It was an argument that they were never able to resolve. Each of them was concerned only with their own idea. None of them had the full picture, and none could see any of the other's point of view. Each man saw the elephant as something quite different, and while in part each blind man was right, none was wholly correct.
There is never just one way to look at something - there are always different perspectives, meanings, and perceptions, depending on who is looking.